Tarteel Alim

خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه 📗 — The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others
The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others.
خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه 📗

As we approach the blessed month of Ramadan ☪️, we are proud to introduce the Tarteel Alim Program! Tarteel Alim is designed to bring our premium Quran features to all those studying the Quran that wish to use Tarteel Premium but don't have the financial resources to do so. Alim program participants get the tools they need to improve their Quran memorization and recitation while donors get to share in the reward from the Quran being memorized and recited - it's a win-win!

Alim Program - Tarteel
Earn a Sadiqah Jariyah by supporting Tarteel’s mission and sponsoring a student to memorize the Quran with the best resources available.

We regularly receive inquiries from very generous individuals requesting to learn how they can support our work by making donations to the project. We also receive inquiries from many Quran students from a variety of regions and economic standings that cannot afford the premium subscription required to utilize the complete product suite on Tarteel. With the Tarteel Alim program, you can now directly donate as a sadaqah jariyah to help support a Student engage with the Quran in a much more meaningful manner.

Donations to the Tarteel Alim program give individuals with financial need access to features and functionality that allow them to review, memorize, and practice the recitation of the Quran at their own pace. These features include Tarteel's one-of-a-kind Artificial Intelligence Mistake Detection as well as Challenges and goal setting, advanced analytics, and much more.

Be Sure That Your Donation Is Being Used Effectively —
As a donor you will get monthly reports on how Students are benefiting from your Alim program sponsorship.

Want to donate to the Alim program?

Start a sadaqah jariyah by supporting Tarteel's mission and sponsoring a student to memorize the Quran with the best resources available.

Your donation goes to a fund specific to the Alim program and gets directly allocated to students that qualify for the program through an application process.

Interested in applying to the Alim Program?

The Alim program is open to anyone who wants to benefit from the tools available in a Tarteel Premium subscription but cannot afford it. When we say "Quran Students", we are referring to anyone trying to grow closer with the Quran, regardless of their age or enrolment in a traditional academic institution. Once accepted into the Alim program, we require participants to read or recite a minimum of 2 hours a month on Tarteel to remain enrolled.

The why behind the Alim program

As you may know, Tarteel was historically an open-source project with a completely volunteer-based workforce dedicating their time pro-bono to develop the world's largest Quran Recitation dataset and software that could make use of it. As we started creating Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence models and product experiences around these models it became very clear that we needed dedicated and very specialized talent to create the impact for the Quran that we wish to have in the long-term. We also needed significant sustainable funding in order to develop and maintain the core services and technology. As a result, we needed to charge a subscription fee to our users. However, we always wanted to be able to provide Tarteel to any Muslim who could benefit from it, without financial resources being a barrier, and so we're launching the Alim program to connect individuals with financial need to donors who would like to share in the reward of reciting and memorizing the Quran.

Why not remove Premium and rely on donations?

Tarteel is not interested in creating a non-profit organization dependent on fundraising cycles and operational overhead related to marketing for donations. We want to help lead an eco-system that provides opportunities for highly skilled Muslims to work on Islamic projects and find success in their careers while also serving the Muslim ummah. In order for us to succeed in this mission we need to develop an environment where talent, resources, and mentorship is readily available to anyone interested in entering the space. This requires building an appetite for Muslims to start paying for religiously oriented services that deliver exponential value to them in the digital medium. Our mission is to be able to attract and sustain the best talent in the world to solve some of the most complex problems when it comes to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in relation to the Quran and Islam. Our vision is to create a culture of sustained growth and stay committed to working on these extremely beneficial projects for the Muslim Ummah.

That is why Tarteel is operated as a Public Benefit Corporation — In the United States, a public benefit corporation is a kind of for-profit corporate entity that includes positive impact on society, workers, the community and the environment in addition to profit as its legally defined goals, in that the definition of "best interest of the corporation" is specified to include those impacts. This includes Tarteel having a clearly outlined mandate in the articles of incorporation that will require us to prioritize the overall objective of making the Quran more accessible for the masses.

Charting a Path Forward

"Guide us along the Straight Path, the Path of those You have blessed—not those You are displeased with, or those who are astray."

Surah Al-Fatihah / 1:5-1:7

We are still a small team of dedicated individuals and very early on the journey to accomplish this sustainable vision of an environment that aligns incentives and resources for continued development and research on Religious and Spiritual technologies for Muslims. The features and the product experience that you see today in the Tarteel mobile application is only the beginning and a portion of what we have on our long-term roadmap. Without the support of our Premium users and now sponsors for the Alim program none of this would be possible. We are excited to be able to continue to innovate and develop the future of Quranic interaction and appreciate all the support and belief in our team's ability to execute. Thank you for the continued support! 😊

How to Support Tarteel's Mission

Love our mission and want to support us? Aside from donating to support Alim program participants, you can also help us achieve our mission by subscribing to Tarteel Premium, sharing Tarteel with your community, and making du'a for us. 🤲🏽🕋

Tarteel AI
AI for Quran recitation Perfection