Quran Memorization Journey Tips — Ramadan Hifz Tips

Quran Memorization Journey Tips — Ramadan Hifz Tips
Tarteel Resources: Memorisation Journey Series with Qari Ishaaq Jasat - Part 5 of 10 | Ramadan Memorization (Hifdh) Tips

Ramadan is the month in which the Qur'an was revealed. It is the key month in which we tend to recite the Qur'an more frequently than any other month. The tips within this section are designed to uplift and motivate you to maximise your time with the Qur'an in Ramadan.

Especially for those who lead the Taraweeh prayers, make a sincere attempt to learn the meanings of the Qur'an and try to understand what you are reciting in the Taraweeh prayers in particular and this should help you grow even closer to the Qur'an. Imagine if you may not live to see another Ramadan, would you not want to make this the best Ramadan ever?

Remember, it is not always about the quantity of Qur'an that you recite or memorise in Ramadan, rather it is about the quality of the Qur'an that has been instilled into your everyday life.

1: It is not an easy feat, to stand on a musalla and lead the Taraweeh prayers. It is courageous and one of the most challenging acts you will ever undertake in your life. No matter how many times you lead the Taraweeh prayers, those nerves and anxious feelings will never go away! Be strong and brave, and remember, it is Allah who has put you there on the Musalla!

2: There is no such thing as a perfect hafidh! You are still human and prone to making some mistakes now and again. One of the best ways to improve your recitation and hifdh is to record your portion of the Taraweeh prayers and listen back to it each day. Critically listen to your recitation and aim to improve it. Remember, there is always room for improvement!

3: Understanding the Arabic language can really help to strengthen one's hifdh. It's not just about memorising but rather understanding what Allah is saying in the Qur'an.

4: Being a hafidh of one Surah, Juz or the entire Qur'an is not just about what you have memorised but 'preserving' what you have learnt and acting upon it. The word 'hafidh' doesn't just mean to memorise but to also protect and preserve this Glorious Book.

5: Don't tell people how much of the Qur'an you have memorised. Let them see the beauty of the Qur'an in your actions. It isn't about how far you've reached in the Qur'an but how far The Qur'an has reached in you.

6: Pick any time in Ramadan. Any hour-day or night-your choice. A time that's convenient for you. A time that suits you the most. But don't ever say it's too late or there's not enough time. Remember, there's no age barrier to hifdh and it is never too late to memorise the Qur'an!

7: In Ramadan, spend less time on your mobile phone and more time with the Qur'an. A student once asked his teacher: "How was the Sahabah's relationship with the Qur'an?" He replied: "Like your relationship now with your mobile phone!"

8: What is the character of a hafidh?
"A memoriser of the Qur'an should be known for his long night prayers when people are asleep, his fasting when people are eating, his sadness when people are happy, his silence when people are talking nonsense, and his humbleness when people are not. He should be wise, gentle and not talk too much; he should not be rude, negligent, clamorous nor hot tempered." - Ibn Mas'ud

9: Practice your hifdh frequently during salah. Plan a daily Ramadan schedule of how much Qur'an you will recite in your fardh, sunnah or nafl prayers. Try it and see how effective this method can be.

10: Being a hafidh is a lifelong responsibility.

"The memoriser of the Qur'an carries the flag of Islam. He shouldn't waste his time in vain amusement, distractions and pointless matters with those who do so, out of respect for the Qur'an." - Al-Fudayl bin 'Iyad

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This is part 5 of a 10 part series.

  1. Preparation and Intention
  2. Inspirational Advice from the past
  3. Choosing the right school and teacher
  4. Tajweed and Reflection
  5. Ramadan Memorisation Tips
  6. Effective Diet & Sleep Intake
  7. Memory Retention Methods
  8. Utilising technology and resources
  9. Qur'anic Du'as (Supplications)
  10. Life after memorising the Qur'an

By Qari Ishaaq Jasat
With the tips adapted from the book: 365 Tips to Help Memorise the Qur'an.