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Who would we be if we didn't give the Tarteel Community more of what they love?Here are 5 more duas of prophets in the Quran! Let's dive in.
- The Dua of Prophet Adam (AS)
قَالَا رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَآ أَنفُسَنَا وَإِن لَّمْ تَغْفِرْ لَنَا وَتَرْحَمْنَا لَنَكُونَنَّ مِنَ ٱلْخَـٰسِرِينَ
They replied, “Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will certainly be losers.” (7:23)
This supplication came after Adam (AS) and Hawwa ate from the forbidden tree in Paradise due to the deception of Satan. Realizing their mistake, they immediately turned to Allah, acknowledging their error. This teaches us the importance of owning up to our mistakes and seeking forgiveness without delay.
2. The Dua of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)
رَبَّنَا ٱغْفِرْ لِى وَلِوَٰلِدَىَّ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَوْمَ يَقُومُ ٱلْحِسَابُ
Our Lord! Forgive me, my parents, and the believers on the Day when the judgment will come to pass. (14:41)
Prophet Ibrahim (AS), often referred to as the friend of Allah, was known for his unwavering faith. This dua showcases his concern for continuity in worship across generations. It reminds us to not only pray for ourselves but also for our offspring, emphasizing the importance of establishing and maintaining prayer in our lives.
3. Another Dua from Prophet Musa (AS)
قَالَ رَبِّ ٱشْرَحْ لِى صَدْرِى ٢٥
وَيَسِّرْ لِىٓ أَمْرِى ٢٦
وَٱحْلُلْ عُقْدَةًۭ مِّن لِّسَانِى ٢٧
يَفْقَهُوا۟ قَوْلِى ٢٨
Moses prayed, “My Lord! Uplift my heart for me, and make my task easy and remove the impediment from my tongue so people may understand my speech. (20:25-28)
Before being sent to confront the Pharaoh, Prophet Musa (AS) made this supplication. He was worried about his ability to communicate effectively due to a speech impediment. This supplication highlights the idea that when tasked with a daunting responsibility, it's essential to seek Allah's help to overcome personal limitations.
4. The Dua of Prophet Zakariya (AS)
وَزَكَرِيَّآ إِذْ نَادَىٰ رَبَّهُۥ رَبِّ لَا تَذَرْنِى فَرْدًۭا وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ ٱلْوَٰرِثِينَ
And ˹remember˺ when Zachariah cried out to his Lord, “My Lord! Do not leave me childless, though You are the Best of Successors.” (21:89)
Prophet Zakariya (AS) made this supplication in his old age, at a time when he had no offspring. Despite his and his wife's old age, he longed for an heir who would continue the lineage of prophethood and uphold the teachings of Allah. His deep yearning was not for the sake of personal joy but rather for the continuation of a legacy of righteousness and guidance for the people. Miraculously, in response to his sincere and heartfelt plea, Allah blessed him with a son, Yahya (AS), who later became a prophet himself.
Prophet Zakariya's (AS) supplication showcases the power of sincere dua and unwavering trust in Allah's plan. It emphasizes that when we ask Allah, we should do so with conviction, believing that He can make the impossible possible. Furthermore, it teaches us that our intentions in making dua should align with virtuous objectives, as Prophet Zakariya (AS) sought an heir not for personal gain but for the greater good of continuing the divine message.
5. The Dua of Prophet Yusuf (AS)
رَبِّ قَدْ ءَاتَيْتَنِى مِنَ ٱلْمُلْكِ وَعَلَّمْتَنِى مِن تَأْوِيلِ ٱلْأَحَادِيثِ ۚ فَاطِرَ ٱلسَّمَـٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ أَنتَ وَلِىِّۦ فِى ٱلدُّنْيَا وَٱلْـَٔاخِرَةِ ۖ تَوَفَّنِى مُسْلِمًۭا وَأَلْحِقْنِى بِٱلصَّـٰلِحِينَ
“My Lord! You have surely granted me authority and taught me the interpretation of dreams. ˹O˺ Originator of the heavens and the earth! You are my Guardian in this world and the Hereafter. Allow me to die as one who submits and join me with the righteous.” (12:101)
Prophet Yusuf (AS) is renowned for his compelling life story, filled with trials, tribulations, and triumphs. This dua was made by Yusuf (AS) after he was reunited with his family, acknowledging Allah's mercy, protection, and guidance that had been with him throughout his life's journey. Despite reaching a high status and enjoying the reunion with his family, Prophet Yusuf (AS) didn't forget the ultimate purpose of life: to die in a state of submission to Allah and to be among the righteous in the Hereafter.
Once again, we recommend voice searching these duas on Tarteel and reading about them in full – with a variety of translations, tafsirs and recitations to choose from, there’s a goldmine of context around these that will build your understanding around our Prophets (peace be upon them) and enrich the way you make dua. May Allah grant us ease in seeking knowledge and learning the ways of our predecessors and guide us to make sincere duas.