Another important aspect of this section is the various memory retention and revision methods. Many hifdh students find it extremely difficult to maintain consistency in their learning but the honest truth is, you have to identify the learning method that suits you the most. Whether it's identifying the most suitable time of the day or using a specific type of Qur'an, it has to work for you and enable you to progress in your Qur'an memorisation journey.
Revision never stops, even for those who have memorised the entire Qur'an!
1: One method to improve your memory is by turning the pages of the Qur'an during your lesson recital for your teacher. In the long term, this will help you visualise the specific order of the pages of the Qur'an and boost your memory.
2: Constantly reciting the Qur'an from memory whilst commuting daily can help to strengthen your hifdh. This is especially true in the mornings when your mind is more alert and working faster.
3: Listening to the Qur'an is just as helpful, especially whilst undertaking your hifdh journey. Refresh your next day's lesson by listening to a portion recited by your chosen Qur'an reciter. You can listen and recite simultaneously!
4: Reciting your daily lessons within your nafl prayers can really help to boost your memory. Select a specific portion to recite in each unit of prayer and make a daily or a weekly plan to stay on top of this. It can work wonders for your hifdh!
5: Noting down in your Qur'an or on a separate notebook the mistakes/errors made whilst reciting new or revision lessons to your teacher is extremely essential. This helps you to reflect and improve your memory and helps to avoid making the same mistakes again!
6: Another effective memory retention method is to recite the new lesson while reading from the Qur'an several times before attempting to memorise the new lesson. It is important that you become familiar with the new lesson before memorising it.
7: There are specific words and verses in the Qur'an which are repeated frequently, more so than others. In Arabic, these are referred to as 'Mutashaabihaat'. If you learn the pattern of how they appear in the Qur'an, this can strengthen your memory.
8: One effective method to help you to learn your new lesson is by asking your teacher to recite the new lesson to you and for you to follow the recitation attentively from beginning to end.
9: Do not assume a certain lesson is easy or hard. Sometimes, you can become very complacent and neglect a certain Juz for example, because you felt it was easy to memorise at the time. Have a consistent approach to your revision by covering your previous lessons regularly.
10: The most important element of revision is consistency. No matter how small or large your revision lessons are, ensure that you are revising daily and do not neglect your revision at any cost. Always stay focused and disciplined.

This is part 7 of a 10 part series.
- Preparation and Intention
- Inspirational Advice from the past
- Choosing the right school and teacher
- Tajweed and Reflection
- Ramadan Memorisation Tips
- Effective Diet & Sleep Intake
- Memory Retention Methods
- Utilising technology and resources
- Qur'anic Du'as (Supplications)
- Life after memorising the Qur'an
By Qari Ishaaq Jasat
With the tips adapted from the book: 365 Tips to Help Memorise the Qur'an.