Case Study: How I Use Tarteel AI to Revise the Quran

Case Study: How I Use Tarteel AI to Revise the Quran

Memorization of the Quran can feel like a mountainous endeavour sometimes, and there are many reasons why it reaps abundant rewards - one of them being that it isn’t easy. Daily revision is essential but what does that look like once you throw in a heap of other responsibilities? Many of us have to consider the other commitments in our lives that keep us occupied, be it family, work, school, caring responsibilities or even other hobbies, and find a way to make it all come together. Balance can be tricky to achieve and sometimes you just need some extra support, especially in trying to maintain consistency and progress in your Quran journey.

Meet Bilal

During a recent trip to the UK, we spent some time with semi-professional soccer player, full-time charity operations manager and Quran student Bilal Sayoud who shared with us how Tarteel's artificial intelligence supports him in his Quran memorization. Bilal highlights how although students have their teachers, there is in fact more time spent independently working on Quran memorization than in their company and it’s in those moments in particular that Tarteel really helps to revise and consolidate learning.

Memorization Mistake Detection

When you aren’t engaging in daily revision, it’s very easy for certain ayahs and surahs to slip away, and that’s why Bilal finds the Memorization Mistake Detection to be the feature he uses the most as it helps him go over the juz that he’s recently studied. When a large number of verses and surahs in the Quran start in similar ways, Memorization Mistake Detection is great for helping to identify those details and intricate differences - or mutashabihat.

Adaptive Mode

Also on Bilal’s list of Tarteel favourites is Adaptive Mode which lets the user hide the Arabic while still showing the English translation. As he recites, he’s still able to read the meaning and if ever he finds himself stuck, that plays a role in helping him remember the Arabic. Not only is this massively helpful in making connections that increase his overall understanding, but it’s also essential for use in Taraweeh when standing behind the Imam, longing to connect with what’s being recited in prayer. With Ramadan around the corner, this is a great way to enrich your understanding and experience in all congregational prayers as Adaptive Mode is brilliant in providing context for recitation and strengthening our relationship with the words of Allah SWT.

We’re proud and honoured that Tarteel is part of so many Quran journeys, including Bilal’s and we hope Allah SWT grants him ease and success. You can listen to his story below:

Are you eager to incorporate Tarteel AI into your Quran journey? New users get a FREE trial of Tarteel Premium - try your hand at Memorization Mistake Detection and more.