Can You At Least Tell Me The First Word?

A screenshot of Tarteel with text that says Forgotten the Next Verse alluding to Tarteel AI's peeking feature

Give your friends and teachers a break with Tarteel’s Peeking Feature!

We’ve all been there - in the throes of memorizing a surah, feeling like we’ve done great so far and then bam! Roadblock. It’s on the tip of your tongue but for some reason, you’re just not sure what comes next. Your mind’s gone blank and now you don’t know what you don’t know. Panic sets in - maybe it’s worth starting over? If you could only just look at the first word of what comes next without giving the rest of the surah away…

Relax. Tarteel has got a feature for that.

In Memorization Mode, when the ayat are hidden and the AI is following along with everything you’ve recited so far, there’s a handy feature at the bottom of your screen that gives you the option to see just the first word of the next verse. It’s the Peeking Feature and it’s essential in giving you just enough to get you up and running again with the rest of your recitation without showing you more than you need.

This feature supports your existing memorization while guiding you through the moments of uncertainty, and let’s be honest - our friends and teachers are getting fed up with us always asking for ‘just one word’. If you’re really stuck, you can even view the entire next verse, and don’t worry, that’s all that will show up. And whilst Peeking is a premium feature, you can access it and all other premium features free for 7 days when you download the app.

Test yourself and go further in your Qur’an memorization - check out the Peeking Feature in use below.