Did Somebody Say Team Retreat? 👀
As December's chill settles in and we find ourselves longing for warmer days, it’s also the time of year when the Tarteel team gathers for our annual Offsite—a retreat designed to unplug, ideate, and reimagine how we can use technology to enrich the lives of millions of Muslims worldwide. This special event offers us a chance to reflect on our journey, celebrate what we’ve achieved, and dream even bigger for the future—pushing the boundaries of how we support Muslims in an ever-evolving digital world.
This year, we were thrilled to land in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where we soaked in breathtaking scenery, immersed ourselves in a culture deeply rooted in the Quran, and, of course, indulged in plenty of roti canai!
The week flew by in a whirlwind of creativity, with ideas bouncing around the room, walls practically plastered with post-it notes, and plenty of spirited (yet constructive!) debates fueled by our shared passion for serving the Quran through technology. At times, the energy in the room was electric—like trying to capture lightning in a bottle as we edged closer to some truly groundbreaking developments.
The Reminder We All Needed 💭
At the end of the week, we were blessed with the honor of being joined by Shaykh Sāmir Samāra, a Professor of Qira’āt at the Islamic University of Malaysia. His presence was a reminder of the profound responsibility we bear in serving the Quran. Shaykh Samāra shared a powerful reminder about the gravity of this work—it’s not just about technology or innovation; it’s about sincerity, purpose, and ensuring that everything we do remains anchored in our intention to please Allah.
Then, he made a statement that resonated deeply, one that left the room in reflective silence. He said, “Look at your hands and ask: Are they in the service of Allah?” This simple yet profound statement reframed everything. It forced us to pause and think: How are we using the talents, resources, and opportunities Allah has given us? Are we truly dedicating our skills, our efforts, and our energy to serve Him and His book?
The work we do at Tarteel is not just about building an app or leveraging AI; it’s about fulfilling a trust. The Quran is more than a book; it’s the ultimate guidance for humanity. And if our hands, minds, and hearts are not aligned with its service, then we’re missing the bigger picture. Shaykh Samāra’s words reminded us that the work of serving the Quran is a privilege, not a task. It’s a calling that demands humility, sincerity, and unwavering dedication.
For every individual, the question remains: How are you using your unique abilities to serve Allah? Whether it’s through writing, coding, teaching, designing, or simply spreading goodness, every effort counts. It’s not about the scale of your work but the sincerity behind it. If you’re an artist, create with the intention of inspiring others toward faith. If you’re an educator, teach with the aim of illuminating hearts. If you’re in technology, use your expertise to innovate solutions that make the Quran more accessible.
Shaykh Samāra’s reminder is a universal call to action. Whatever capacity we have, whatever talents Allah has blessed us with—they are tools. And tools, when used with the right intention, can transform ordinary efforts into acts of worship. At Tarteel, we are privileged to combine the timeless wisdom of the Quran with the cutting-edge tools of technology. But this privilege comes with responsibility: to stay grounded, sincere, and focused on the ultimate goal—earning Allah’s pleasure.

How to Fuse Your Work with Serving Allah ❤️
Reflect on Your Daily Activities
Take a moment to list everything that occupies your day—work, studies, family responsibilities, or hobbies. How much of this do you align with seeking Allah’s pleasure? Even mundane tasks, like cooking or commuting, can become acts of worship if you start with Bismillah and dedicate them to Allah.
Transform Routine into Worship
Every activity has the potential to become an act of worship. Begin your day with the intention to please Allah, whether you’re answering emails, preparing meals, or exercising. Challenges can also be reframed as opportunities to practice patience and rely on Allah’s guidance.
Evaluate What Keeps You Busy
What habits or activities are filling your day? Are they drawing you closer to Allah or pulling you away? Reflect on time spent in distractions like excessive social media use or gossip. Consider replacing these with Quran recitation, dhikr, or a heartfelt dua.
Anchor Everything in Sincerity
Ask yourself, Why am I doing this? Is it for recognition or truly for Allah’s sake? The Prophet ﷺ said, “Actions are judged by their intentions.” A pure intention can elevate even the smallest deed into something monumental in Allah’s sight.
Make Istighfar a Daily Habit
No matter how productive or distracted your day feels, seek forgiveness from Allah regularly. This practice purifies the heart and resets your intentions. Reflect on your mistakes, but remember that Allah’s mercy is vast and He loves those who turn to Him in repentance.
Find Barakah in Your Work
Whatever your role in life—student, professional, or homemaker—seek Allah’s blessings in your work. If you’re teaching, focus on spreading beneficial knowledge. If you’re earning, think of it as a means to support your family and give in charity. Make dua for barakah in your time and efforts.
Seek Balance Between Dunya and Akhira
The Quran reminds us, “But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter, and [yet], do not forget your share of the world.” (Quran 28:77). Strive for a balance where your worldly pursuits complement, rather than compete with, your spiritual goals.
Remember the Power of Dua
Du’a is a powerful tool to guide your intentions and efforts. A simple dua like, “O Allah, accept this from me as an act of worship for Your sake,” can reshape your mindset. Regularly ask Allah to renew your sincerity and protect you from pride or showing off in your deeds.
Practice Gratitude and Contentment
Reflect on the countless blessings Allah has given you—your health, family, and opportunities. Gratitude turns into action when you use these blessings in ways that please Him. Recognize the temporary nature of this world and find true contentment in preparing for the Akhira.
Reassess Your Priorities
If distractions weigh you down, take time to reassess your priorities. What truly matters to you? How can you align your goals with Allah’s pleasure? Remember that this life is fleeting, and real success lies in seeking the Akhira.
Encourage Quiet Moments with Allah
Amid the noise of daily life, carve out moments of solitude to reconnect with Allah. Whether it’s during sujood, between meetings, or before bed, these quiet moments can remind you of your purpose and strengthen your connection to your Creator.
Embrace the Power of Starting Over
It’s never too late to recalibrate your intentions. Begin each day with the resolve to dedicate your time, skills, and energy to Allah. Seek forgiveness when you falter, and strive to do better, knowing that every small effort matters in the eyes of Allah.
Some Thoughts...
Life is busy, and distractions are inevitable. But when we approach each moment with sincerity and a clear intention to seek Allah’s pleasure, even the smallest actions—like a kind word, helping others, or diligent work—become acts of worship. By doing so, we transform our time in this world into a bridge to eternal success.
As we left that session, Shaykh Samāra’s words lingered in the air, a challenge to continue striving, to use every resource and talent in the service of Allah. They were a reminder that in the pursuit of serving Allah, there is no room for complacency, only a constant drive to do more, to reach further, and to keep our hearts tethered to sincerity - only then do we find success.